Saturday, April 25, 2009

Say "hello" to my not-so-little friends.

This is Layla (left) and Brady. Layla is my new addition. She is six months old, but I describe her as being in her "terrible two's." I love her, regardless of her desire to chew up my electronics. R.I.P. stereo speakers, cell phone, and laptop cord.
I've had Brady for just over 2 years, and he is my little shadow. You could say that he has just a tad bit of separation anxiety.
They are both pitbull mixes. Brady was a stray that I found roaming around my building at work, and I got Layla from a pitbull rescue. I have made it my personal mission to spread, what I like to call, "positive thoughts" about pitbulls. It's a lifelong goal to one day have a dog rescue of my own. *Remember, there is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad people.

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